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Troop Advancement

One of the hallmarks of scouting is the advancement process.  Each scout advances through scouting at their own progress going through, and achieving, requirements as they go along.  Some ranks require learning, and displaying, basic scout skills, while others need specific badges.  Troop 97 has worked with scouts for many years to advance their scouting knowledge and move forward with the program.

Step 1:

Read Over Requirements

Review all requirements necessary for a specific skill or rank in your scout book.

Step 2:

Learn Skills and Complete Requirements

Learn the necessary skill from a troop meeting, older scout, trusted adult, or any other place.  Demonstrate the requirement to an adult leader who will sign off on the requirement in your scout book.  For coordination on merit badges, please reach out to Rafael Gonzalez.

Step 3: ScoutMaster Conferece

Schedule time and meet with the scoutmaster to review what you have learned and discuss the next steps in the scouting process.

Step 4:

Board of Review

Schedule time for your board of review which is typically held at the beginning of a month.  Review scout skills and next steps.

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